Few more minutes

Only a few more minutes,To push the limits,Like cork in a bottle,Impossible to move full throttle. Don’t wanna be late,And make them wait,We only see us once a year,Crave for someone being sincere. Passing by balloonish bear,Making people stop and stare,Except for me and my pie,We have to rush by. 364 days on the street,OnceContinue reading “Few more minutes”

Another year over/older

As a kid time seems endless, and as a adult it feels like it’s just rushing by. Time is constantly the same. It moves forward, always at the same speed. Why do we feel the difference? Why is time so important? What is the most valuable present to give?

Getting out of my comfort zone

I am a shy person, so being in front of a camera, is one of the things that makes me feel uncomfortable. However, I can only learn and grow, when I do something I am not used to, yet. I mean, it has been part of my studies of PR, communications and media management. NarratingContinue reading “Getting out of my comfort zone”